The Hoshizaki KML-250MAH Low Profile Crescent Cuber produces up to 307 lbs. of crescent cube ice per day.
See Ice MachineThe KM-260BAH is capable of producing approximately 263 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KML-351MAH is capable of producing approximately 333 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KMD-410MAH is capable of producing approximately 415 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KML-451MAH is capable of producing approximately 401 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KMD-460MAH is capable of producing approximately 457 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KM-515MAH is capable of producing approximately 527 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KM-600MAH is capable of producing approximately 592 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KM-650MAH is capable of producing approximately 520 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The KML-631MAH is capable of producing approximately 605 lbs of crescent cubed ice.
The IM-500SAA is capable of producing approximately 500lbs of crescent cubed ice.